我爱做梦, 也爱幻想, 且让文字代替言语把梦表达出来!
I like dreaming, cause dreaming can make you mine!
haha.. these r some picture taken during dinner at some restaurants...
Restaurant: As U Like It
Location: SS15 Subang Jaya
Dishes: Tempura Fish Fried Rice
the interesting part is tat TWIN TOWER look fried rice.. some say look like breast! haha
Restaurant: Little Taiwan
Location: SS15 Subang Jaya
Dishes: Peach Pearl Tea and Chocolate ais blended and Beef rice
according to Valerie's theory of food, the food that a person order is directly indicate wat that person wants most in their life!
so i order peach pearl tea, means i wish to put on weight as this cup shape?
she order chocolate ais blended, and she wish to have the body shape as the slim glass...
how bout this?
she order this as well, notice the big, long, white carrot that look like a dick? haha.. so means wat? i din say anything...
Restaurant: Capri
Location: Taman Sri Petaling
Dishes: Mango Lou
val say this mango lou got pimples de... see there is many holes there.. like 凹凸洞 on the face!
ohaiyo! good morning everyone!
no need to suprise that i m awake at such early morning la... cos i haven pengsan on my bed since er.... my las time on my bed was last nite 7sth, reading comic i think.. haha.. so? mean i jus came back from A&W after doing our revision there since 12.30am.. ya.. been sitting there for more than 5 hours.. so fierce rite? haha.. but not productive at all, cos no mood to study lor.. haha
came back home suppose to sleep de... but end up playing bubble shooter again.. (i play half way before i went out la)... play ha play ha,,, hungry liao... so decided to cook my first BREAKFAST in this house.. (yeah, moved in for 4 months ++ d.. till now only cook first breakfast! teruk-nya)
see!Abalone + egg porridge
haha... i use microwave cook porridge..geng leh... actually lazy to use rice cooker, then this is the maggi abalone porridge ma.. so think can try using microwave lo.. cook half package only.. cos only me eating wat... if finish all is serve for 2.. don think kei will wake up at this moment oso... haha
well.. at first plan to wait her for breakfast de.. but now oledi ate, so may consider sleep later la... haha.. then tonite gambate again...i wonder daddy can stand till when, we been studying there till morning 6am for 2 days straight d... hahaha... but i better than him, at least i stil got sleep for 8++ hours...
不想见的, 却阴魂不散般纠缠不清!
actually i donno wat bullshit had i wrote there... haha
today is the first day of this semester that i step in A&W for the study purpose.
2.36am - ives daddy came n fetch me
2.45am - reach A&W and spot tat the tv screen was showing espn live for Man U vs FC Kobenhavn .. hehe.. then we quickly go buy drink n sit at the table jus directly in front of the screen
3.30am - half time! finally start study.... study study study...
3.45am - yo! eye back to the screen d... though hand still copying some points out on the sheet... haha
4.30am - FULL TIME Man U 3-0 Cop... then? back home here this post come...
so? we only spent 15 minutes studying at A&W though been sitting there for 2 hours... so unproductive... maybe need to reconsider to study at A&W with daddy liao... though is not his fault overall cos he keep asking me study (*he say don wanna influent me wor...)
well though bit late for the photo upload, but still are some sweet and tough memories in! and i finally get these photos from sally... thanks sally for bring the camera along tat day.
Alrite.. start from the guest list... couple of the day!
couple of the group - joosin and her bf (donno wat his name.. haha.. paiseh)
another couple of the group - MZ and bf
another couple? nonono... this are another 2 sot sot ppl.. LFM and JC
kian n sally... nono there r not couple oso... kian's gf absent tat day!
me n lou dao.. erm.. we not couple la... we are father and daugther relationship! and there is lot of story behind this photo o.... supposely there should be one kind of couple photo for him rite?
evon and val- of course they r not couple la... haha
yin n joanne
next! classic moment of the nite! challenge to yin yin (actually tat nite all of us keep shotting her lor.. cos she is so cute for us to "fool" around.. hahaha)
wah.. yin yin very "yam tak" wor... she really finis the whole glass 1 shot! gdhg!
photo taken by yin! tested her capture technique after drink the glass of "ye fa zou".. see kian's hand as the "frame"? means yin still need improvement! haha
purpose of the gathering? yeah... shui yong father and daughter birthday's pre-celebration
the birthday king and the princess of the family of shui yong!! (oh i miss my long hair so much)
group photo... wonder y the birthday guy hide behind the tiang! Too shy??? impossible la... hahaha
and finally... the bad memories - consequence of being FOOD POISONING
these are the people who get food poisoning after this meal...6 of us... ngam ngam got the photo! hahaha
well.. that's all first.. will upload more photo if possible...
u knoe wat is 手贱? here it is...
yesterday daddy aka ives help me to set up the com n resolve the resolution of my screen d... so, see the blog like very empty d.. so mai go change the template setting lor... mana tau? no the blog need to encode first to read those chinese character... then? my html script at template setting there all dissapeared liao... walao.. and the worst is i don even had a backup copy of it in word file... now my template setting so empty.. all the link gone... but luckily the site still functioning... so maybe later need to setup again... but not now cos need to go work lor.. haha... so sorry for any inconvenient cause to read the post here.. haha...
lesson of the day - don ever be hand itching! hahaha
Happy Mooncake festival!
everyone going back hometown for celebration... left me alone....
y m i not going back? cos no point! my dad's going to genting having his MLM family meeting... oh ya... MLM is more important than his family now.. not like last time, every festival should gather together with the big family... TUAN YUAN wor.... wtf...
if u wanna say me bias oso cant help... the stupid Amway company really really FUCKING DIU lor.... everytime held seminar during the BIG BIG festival where force other family cant celebrate... fuck! like last time, having their 30th anniversary during FATHER's DAy... and now? having seminar on MOONCAKE FESTIVAL! as if their family is family and other non-member are strangers or intruder.... so sick of it!!!
watever la... since i oso not feeling like going home.. so jus stay alone here la... shuiyong's members all went back perak d... my housemate back johor as well... so stay back alone la... maybe can force me start doing revision when i really got nothing to do... haha
ahaha.... i spent about 10 minutes to type the title... y? cos i m sitting at campus computer lab now and using the web translator to translate individual word from english to chinese like playing the puzzle... suprise? it is only 10.42AM leh... well.. i oso quite shock i can wake up this morning... maybe worry if skip the class then will together skip my report submittion gua... hehe...
chatting on e-messenger
jing: "y so early? or haven sleep?"
ya..she is the one who will guess tat i might be stay up from the nite b4 instead of wake up early....
then another fren: so early today??U dont looks like morning ppl!!! hahaha..
i wonder both of them know each other and pakat to tease me... anyway, the main purpose for attending class is to pass up the mic report due today... i scare tat if i skip the class in the morning, i will end up waking at late afternoon, which is impossible for me to print and submit the report... tat'y i m here...
yet, i m so so tired and blur still... going to pass up my report and pass thing to joanne then maybe go ta bao zhap fan at corner then go home...sleep... hahahaha...
abit hungry liao... who say 早起的鸟儿有虫吃? wake up early make me spent on my breakfast...additional meal for me... hai~
went to subang parade with val for lunch, bought a horoscope book by Dadhichi at mph. flip thru few pages and read this about star sign compatibility.
i m libra, n val is leo...
libra = air
leo = fire
me n val = libra + leo, means
air + fire = HOT AIR!
both of us laugh so loud after reading this while queue for atm...
hot air wor...
then when back home i check for another one... me n jing
jing is pisces
pisces = water
me n jing = libra + pieces, means
air + water = RAIN!
hoho... i wonder wat result from water + fire? (val n jing) haha... this one need to ask val d.. cos she bought 1 for her as well...