I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there,
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
Sorry I just couldn't help myself,
I fell in love with you.
!about me
Vivien @ boon who originate from a kampung in Johor, now spending her bored life in Sunway.
Like to dream a lot and crazy about everything she believed to be worth it. Yet, thing that she believe always hurt her most!
!my healers
!my past pain'
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Monday, September 18, 2006
>>>@@ how to write the micro report? @@<<<
erm... jus finish the last session of medical micro lab, which is to identified the unknown mixture of organism provided... at first week, i saw a gram-positive cocci and gram negative rod... so choose to isolate at HBA plate and MAC plate lor... but?
when the second week back to lab, the gram stain go different d... i cant see any gram positive organism, which make me panic liao... so how? see the plate oso pengsan d....

NA plate.. only see 1 type of colony morphologies
HBA plate: again.. still cannot figure out.. though is a complete beta hemolysis...
MAC plate.. still only 1 colony morphology.. but at least is lactose non-fermenter, which give me a clue of either shigella, salmonella or proteus...
i know my microscopic technique is damn lousy... so end up kelam kabut when seeing the plates... ei~... then the second isolation of individual organism, the demonstrator don wanna give me HBA, which make me more panic and worry whether i missed out some other bacteria which i din isolated out during the previous session, mean i not manage to see this week... but then, when she provide me 2 XLD agar, then i think it's shigella n salmonella... but? when the last session, which using the Remal RapID ONE kit, our both XLD happened to have the same bacteria.. and end up isolated only ONE organism instead of TWO... so bek chek! anyway, we still manage to get the correct organism instead of some other contaminated flora... haha...
and the most pathetic story was the conversation between stacey and me...
Stacey: u very stress ah?
me: (nod) ya..
Stacey: y? u shouldn't wat.. this is ur second time taking this lab....
me: .......
of course she had recognised me la... but that really make me more stress... hai~~~ and when i told other about the conversation, everyone laugh so happily.... hai~
now need to figure out how to write a HD range micro full report with these lousy observation and results.... especially when this report may cover 10% of my internal marks... pray pray my previous report get a higher mark to cover this la...
Vien reaching out for eternity | 3:47 pm