I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there,
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
Sorry I just couldn't help myself,
I fell in love with you.
!about me
Vivien @ boon who originate from a kampung in Johor, now spending her bored life in Sunway.
Like to dream a lot and crazy about everything she believed to be worth it. Yet, thing that she believe always hurt her most!
!my healers
!my past pain'
!chit chat
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Today is
The time u reading this is
Monday, April 10, 2006
>>>@@ sleepy day~~ @@<<<
finally submitted the 2 major assignments due today - MBB and Pharmacology...
wake up so sacarstically this morning and rush to computer lab jus wanna to print the stupid assignment out and rush to the mbb class then only walk down all the way from 4th floor to LG jus to dump those stupid papers into the little pigeon box near the lab.
think last nite was a little ridiculous on doing assignment... proofread a bit this morning during lecture and found tat there was 2 FIGURE 3 which i din notice when doing the essay!. ESSAY but i had a CONCLUSION subtitle at the end of it... so blur... end up corrected the figure with another FIGURE 3a and liquid erase the CONCLUSION words there then submite without further reading... hai~ pity dr.kan need to read those messy essay of mine... hehe...
though now sitting at the com lab, yet the brain still blur... mind floating around... like a zombie? nop... more like a spirit, like casper the friendly ghost? like this?

watever.... now waiting my mate come back from seeing her god-mother aka scary dr. stacey (scary only for me) then go home roll on my bed... wondering can sleep or not.. over stress cause imsonia sometime...
Vien reaching out for eternity | 1:26 pm