我爱做梦, 也爱幻想, 且让文字代替言语把梦表达出来!
I like dreaming, cause dreaming can make you mine!
donno since when i been very blur on things tat happened around me. so everyone called me --> BLUR QUEEN
then later got some frens like to acknowledge me as --> FLIRT QUEEN
and now i got another new name --> MISS-CALL QUEEN cos i always din manage to pick up call on time...
so wat else can i be??
sunway lagoon now after construction having a new game there... i donno wat exactly the name of the game.. but here is the photo i taken from my balcony... nah.. the highest level...
and the most exciting one it does turn a 360 degree for 3 times (sometimes only once, i think depends on the kinetic theory gua...)
so whoever interest do try it out..
p/s: i think sunway lagoon should employed me as their representative of promoting the new games... wuahahaha...
went to subang parade with jing to visit kei who working there.. at first jing wanna go carefour to LOOK card de...mana tau carefour not open wor.. so go window shopping at parade lor...
walking down the escalator n the conversation start...
jing: hey u know ah? there is condom sell at body shop with a beautiful pouch leh.. is red colour wan.. hou tak yi (cute) leh...
ngam ngam we pass thru body shop then me sot sot pull jing in the shop n rush to the rack n see the so call pouch! the shop keeper also frighten by our rushing in... hihi...
we really only have a look de... then went to kacau kei n ask something from the celebrity fitness which doing promotion there.. tat stupid consultant should try to take marketing course as he really donno how to sell his services to us n donno how to be friendy with the customer as well....
anyway, don bother it.. walk back to upstair planning to wait kei off work at uncle lim. so pass body shop again n i suddenly pull jing into the shop again n after about 5 minutes, we walk out the shop with THIS... A bright bloody red colour coin purse (tat is what it state in the pamplet)
open it....
A divider inside....
under the divider there it is. ---> condom...
OMG... result release n i was so upset to see my medical microbiology result which showed a N for tat... so down... then few days ago had a big fight with my parents- BOTH of them in the same day. Wat the FUck!!!
due to some reason i back to sunway campus, pay my summer course fees (decided to take summer now... so frus to stay at home), note the timetable then see the sciece faculty course manager hope to apply for supplementary paper.. mana tau? she say is under monash policy which i not fulfill the basic requirement... so it's fate for me to stay another semester jus to retake a single unit!! FUCK!!!!!
going back johor later after bring my dearest brother to shoping first... will be MIA for another few days again until come back next week gua....